Industrialization to "Econization"
The Ecosystem of prosperity & abundance for humankind.
“Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.”
Why was India known as the Sone ki Chidiya in the ancient times?
Disclaimer: this answer is part of my book “Sone Ki Chidiya Era How to bring back in our home?”
Why was India got nickname of Sone Ki Chidiya?
First we go to what any nickname denotes?
A nickname of any place evolves by going into memory system by real experiences of audience.(Sabji Mandi/Kasaikhana etc.)
Until and unless your memory has any sensual relation, it could not take hold for a persistent long period there.
(we shake hand with strangers ask their formal name and just forget in couple of years, but when we even seen in person some exceedingly tall/ small/ fat person we remember the incidence even decade after that actual event.)
So for a nickname recognisable globally it has to be either see able, touchable, hear able, Sniff able or taste able enough to make a clear place in memory.
Why it is emphasised here?
The era we are talking about was not the era of Google translate or Wikipedia or face book advertisement where you can bombard any brand in the memory of audience.
So without applying the analogy mentioned above of five senses your memory could not retain anything hypothetically for long period of time.
So it is proven beyond doubt that the nickname denoting anything must be sense-able by at least one of the five senses.
Now come to the word Sone which is known as gold in English should be see able, touchable, hear able, Sniff able or taste able by an individual, to make permanent space in the memory.
Without feeling it by yourself you could not believe upon existence of it (suppose someone say there is an article of relative density 40 and value of all gold of your nation, could you remember this obscured zydfghr element for a long time?)(Even had you remember elements of the Mendeleev's periodic table?)
So we have to analyse how an unknown traveller/visitor in (a so called poor illiterate) country have felt the gold?
In this country gold was used at three occasions as source of insurance, recognition, gift and prosperity.
First it was shown in marriages in the form of gifts and recognition (ornaments wore by participants)
Second it will be counter checked as an insurance at the arrival of harvest (Dipawali) and
Third it was donated to the temples in lieu of personal oath for keeping continuous prosperity for family.(temple is the bigger family)
Temples were for the big deals of life like oath taking and community place for guests.
The common men to make his her guest amused and show family’s prosperity decorate parts of temple with gold.
Collectively decorated by common men for centuries the temple covered by gold awed to these nomad or pirate. (In their culture either animals or slaves are the symbols of wealth.)
In their respective regions life style was to continuously move just like crow.
Had you ever tried to feed some crow?
If so you may have observed as soon as he find the food he will pick in his beak and fly immediately to some distance; sit there and eat the remaining part of food.
Because lot of food outside of his beak lost in this flying.
What we understand with this example is till we migrate consistently in lieu of more safety, security, fodder, loot, or whatever pursuit the Sustainability of wealth consistently deteriorates.(causes: lack of goodwill/ recognition/ skill/ theft/ loot etc.)
In the process of continuous migration you definitely accumulate much gold.(wealth)
In the scenario of migration all the wealth is moving with you.
The moment someone cut your throat the wealth belongs to the person who cut your throat.
In one to one combat, chances of win will disappear at the moment either your sword broke or edge bent. (Ordinary iron has specific quality of brittleness if hardened much or mildness if softened much in its making process)
So here the value of your gold and all the wealth is significantly less than a pair of good swords made by good iron.
Here in northern Gangetic planes community is self sufficient in all their requirements (at barter levels). Regular agriculture made surplus food production sufficient to transport toward southern part of nation by Banjara community.
While in south part of country abundance of forest; given birth of evolution of iron.
The process to make the iron is as simple as make small clay pots, fill them neighbouring different type of rocks, soils(ore) cut specific leaves cover-up that Kullhad
(small clay pot of capacity just more than your half litre milk pouch) and fire it in woods brought form neighbouring forest.
So in entire country every raw material got from nature freely.
The skill set (how to, when to and why to) part just flowed fluidly via one generation to next generation.
And here is the crux.
Outside world (nomads/pirates) is in continuous process of finding better ground/postures migrating incessantly.
But the dilemma is their entire life’s labour, sweat and blood; created whatever wealth: have less value than a fine pair of swords.
Nowhere in the world such iron produced; except south of Godavari river in India.
Because of that; from Damishque; traders will flock to buy the pieces of iron just sufficient to make a pair of swords (retail-able size of our iron)
In India natives selling their ROCK and SOIL (ore fired in forest wood = Wootz steel) in the barter of gold.
Now we understood how that gold arrived here.
Now we move to the third part of the question Chidiya Our question here is what is Chidiya?
According to analogy described in nickname part of this article the Chidiya must be either of see able, touchable, hear able, Sniff able or taste able to trigger the signal for significant space in memory of the visitor who may not understand your language.
Now come to the point at who coined this nick name?
The person came from outside were either nomad or pirate.
In their culture to feed their stomach they need flesh.
Here being in the unknown territory they can’t hunt big beast in the fear of caught by localites in lieu of destroying their wealth.
Nomad or pirate are the most opportunistic person, they will observe the circumstances very carefully to attack upon the opportunity of hunt/graze or loot.
Because their survival depends upon their brisk action, not any type of lethargy or lacklustre behaviour could feed them.
In modern day language you may identify them by the nickname of street-smart guys.
Now what that outsider will do to feed his stomach?
He has either to fight (what may or may not cost his life), beg, trade or hunt.
For most of them the easiest way to feed was hunt a thing which would be in abundance and nobody claim ownership of it.
Sparrows (Chidiya) were always in abundance in the agrarian region; is the source to feed them until indefinitely without any ruckus with localite.
Nobody will fight for anything which is in abundance and uncontrollable by your means (you can’t fight for water to anybody in rain until it personally heart you in anyway)
And to hunt it doesn’t require any arm which may cause you for suspicion.
A simple stone through will bring you your food. (Stone age tactics)
The folks who once arrived here and seen temples and ladies decorated with gold and eaten the Chidiya to satiated their hunger knows very well the abundance of Chidiya and gold in this part of the world.
Until as let as 17th century AD (land wise just 1.92% of earth) this small nation’s share in global wealth was more than 25%
But to understand the value of that land in relation to "Arable land percent of world" following picture must be considered
Image courtesy: Arable land
Because of the Highest concentration of Arable land which was developed by shear labour of 2000 generations of our ancestors this less than 2% earth mass and more than quarter of world's wealth; India got nickname of Sone Ki Chidiya.
Because of our ethos of egalitarian society; India has still today the largest number of publically listed companies in the world which proves the legacy.
Wootz steel
To know more about the Wootz steel see What was the significance of wootz steel in the world economy?
Now here we have to see the map to understand what the situation just 30 generations ago from today was; by it we can easily contemplate that present day Africa Australia and the Americas all together were contributing just 34% towards the global wealth.
Image courtesy: India, Part Two: 300-1000 ce
See how Europeans were submerged in the fictitious childlike fantasies in that era. Beyond Science
Is India ever going to get ahead of U.S. in anything?

Top 10 Richest Banks In The World
Just visualize the circumstances when the present second biggest bank emerged out of opium production in erstwhile Gwalior state to trade with the Far East.
The origins of the bank lie mainly in Hong Kong and to a lesser extent in Shanghai, where branches were first opened in 1865. The HSBC name is derived from the initials of the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation.
See today where is Central Bureau of Narcotics situated
Gwalior State
The state was founded in the early 18th century by Ranoji Sindhia, as part of the Maratha Confederacy. Under Mahadji Sindhia (1761–1794) Gwalior State became a leading power in northern India, and dominated the affairs of the confederacy. The Anglo-Maratha Wars brought Gwalior State under British suzerainty, so that it became a princely state of the British Indian Empire. Gwalior was the largest state in the Central India Agency, under the political supervision of a Resident at Gwalior.
Who Controls the Money Controls the World
in 1732, Jai Singh was appointed the imperial governor of Malwa for the third time. In order to drive out the Marathas from Malwa, he in turn obtained the military help from Mewar. The Marathas on hearing of it, Holkar and Sindhia entered Malwa and encircled Jai Singh at Mandsaur and gave him a crushing defeat. He was compelled to agree to pay 6 lacs in cash and promised to cede thirty-eight paraganas in lieu of Chauth. His defeat dealt a shattering blow to the prestige of the Rajasthani rulers in general and Jai Singh in particular it also became obvious that even the combined armies of Rajputs and Mughals were no match to the Marathas.
At the time when the Peshwa was engaged with Mewar and Sawai Jai Singh, Maharao – Holkar and Ranoji Scindia reached Merta via Shahpura. Abhay Singh was in Delhi but he sent Vijay Raj Bhandari, one of his army leaders, to face the Marathas. Rathore armies, therefore, assembled at Merta. Shapura’s Umed Singh also reached here with his four thousand soldiers to help the Rathors. Holkar besieged the city; after two months, Bhandari got himself free by paying money to the Marathas.
The result of the Peshwa’s visit was that the Rajasthani rulers accepted Maratha supremacy. An important change took place in connection with the Maratha – Rajput relations: Rajput states starting paying taxes to the Marathas.
Intervention by Peshwa
But Malhar Rao Holkar did not withdraw and pressed for Madho Singh’s claim and advised the Peshwa to take up his cause. Meanwhile the combined army of Mewar, Kota and Holkar moved towards Jaipur. The allied army received the banks of Khari river where slight skirmishes took place between Jaipur and allied forces in which former suffered heavily. At this time the Mughal Empire was threatened by Abdali. The emperor, therefore, appealed to Shahu for help, Shahu ordered the Peshwa to proceed at once to Delhi, but before he arrived Abdali had left India. At this time the dispute between Madho Singh and Ishwari Singh had reached its climax. So the Peshwa entered Jaipur territory in order to coerce the two claimants to come to a reasonable agreement. Madho Singh paid a visit to the Peshwa at Newai but Ishwari Singh did not come and sent his agent to meet the Peshwa. Even though the agreement arrived at but Ishwari Singh did not respect the treaty. Hence a bloody battle was fought on 14th August 1748 between the allies and Ishwari Singh in which latter fared very badly. He could save the situation by bribing heavily the Maratha Sardar Ganga Dhar. Continuous civil war had adversely affected the economic condition of Jaipur state. The salary of troops remained unpaid. The money promised to the Marathas was not paid. The Peshwa, therefore, sent Holkar to realize it. His arrival created great alarm at Jaipur. Ishwari Singh was in a state of invigilance. Being resource less and utterly helpless, he committed suicide. Having captured the city of Jaipur without any resistance, Holkar sent for Madho Singh and installed him on the throne long coveted by him.
Even before the culmination of Jaipur struggle, Marathas entangled themselves into Jodhpur dispute. It commenced with the accession of Ram Singh on 13 July 1749 on the throne of Marwar. His right was disputed by his uncle Bakhat Singh. Both the sides made efforts to obtain the support of the Marathas who were interested in money only and hence always changed sides to suit their interests. It created hatred against the Marathas, which culminated in the murder of Jayappa Sindhia on 24 July, 1755.
In August 1756, Durjansal had died. As he had no son, Ajit Singh stepped into his shoes. This was done without the prior permission of the Marathas. As a result of this, Ranoji Sindhia came to Kota to realize the succession tax. The new ruler had no alternative but to pay forty lacs of rupees.
Now see another ........
If a new industry revolution occurs in India, will it pollute India like China and make India uninhabitable?
In other words
Would “make in India” revolution make India prosperous?
Living with old thoughts and theories will lead us to dead end of progress. Which really make our surrounding uninhabitable not by industrial pollution but by our orthodox way of thinking.
Industrial revolution was more than two century old concept.
You may be flabbergasted by knowing that against global GDP of US$74.31 trillion in nominal terms. In 2013 the global financial transactions are to the tune of US$1000 trillion.
If you think GDP is the real measurement of wealth or production or consumption I politely suggest just read next paragraph.
Out of all the financial transactions if you consider transaction charges in one form or other by way of bank charge of various type (if you had transacted any international transaction you know how much it costs to you)
Again take on account, currency exchange (buying and selling price difference).
Now consider various taxes levied in every financial transaction like
Stamp duty, registration fee, LBT value addition tax, income tax (deducted prorate) excise, custom, so on so for
Just consider average 8% of the transaction. The figure of this goes to 80 trillion which is more than the global GDP in 2013
Now see the question with another perspective.
Had globally you felt any which thing in short supply today? Is in any mall anywhere in the world has emptier shelf then filled shelf.
Had the go-downs and distribution centres globally reached upon the efficiency level of Japan’s 0 inventory. India could not able to store its grain produced by farmers and purchased by government corporations (Food Corporation of India) in current era.
Take an example
When I lived in a village there is one shop stocked the entire item our family (including all other families of village) requires; in utmost fresh and best condition.
Almost everyone knows each other and their needs taken care profitably by the happy shop keeper.
Credit is not an issue you send the message through any passerby and material delivered to the home with good chat upon issue ranging weather to festival to global politics (without any asking about bill or credit card) (which is what the super euphoria of successful life when you do not see the right side of menu in so called Industrial revolution)
Now we entered free market economy I had choice to buy from anyone out of other 20 shops or one mall or one departmental store. Every one keeping plus one brand then the other, plus one packing sizes, plus various discount, promotion schemes with enticing adverts.
For just my one unit need now I had 40 plus items waiting to be purchased by me. But I only consume one unit.
So by this example you may understand us already producing and stocking several time of actual demand every conceivable product invented so far.
The global population of consumer took almost 300 day to produce in their plant one consumer with only eligible female population of 1800 million at the higher end; who could not produce more then three in their lifetime (average)
While in that period our already established industry could produce from single plant lakhs of cars; imagine about other petty things how much they could be produced.
Inhabitable or habitable is just underestimating the power of biological evolution process of nature and our process of thinking and responding to our ecosystem.
Even in Chernobyl 550 person living today
Scenario: More than 94% of population dream to own one big product of Industrial revolution; work whole life for it (either via EMI route or through saving route)
Less than one percent of population via remaining 6 percent of crowd engulf the entire life’s savings (earning) through one minute’s production (output of Industrial revolution) (say car/ home etc)
And this is the real pollution of brains of dreamers of small things for whole life. (The 6 percent of crowd may change their trophies of Industrial revolution every now and then but not the 94%)
If consumers growing at the rate of less than 2% (human birth rate) than anything greater than this rate simply create unbalanced stress in respective ecosystem and is fundamentally unsustainable. World Population Clock: 7.3 Billion People (2015
Why should we not move towards such a development where even water is so clean and transparent naturally that boats look like they are floating.
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